
“We recognise the value of long-term relationships and the need for cohesion throughout the supply chain. Farmers are the centre of sustainable agriculture, supporting them is vital, as they will be key to our future."
Sarah Haire, Head of Agriculture, Dunbia

Promoting, sustainable British farming, fit for the future.

Dunbia is one of Europe’s leading food processing companies and the supplier of choice to a range of leading supermarket, food service and restaurant businesses in the UK, who are attracted by a commitment to sustainability and quality.

Dunbia is a family-owned business and the desire to produce better food naturally is the driving force behind everything we do. A combination of organic growth, strategic acquisition and entrepreneurial vision has seen Dunbia grow into a multi-site, multi-species operation, processing cattle and sheep for national and international markets.


The company remains true to its farming heritage through the close relationships forged with the 15,000 UK farmers from whom it directly sources grass-fed cattle and sheep, for processing across its 12 UK sites.

Our agricultural teams work directly with our farmers, empowering them to have greater control, understanding and profitability in their business. We also support farmers to increase their commercial success through our company collaborative retail initiatives.

“Our agricultural teams work directly with our farmers, empowering them to have greater control, understanding and profitability in their business.”


'Our desire to produce better food naturally is the driving force behind everything we do.'


Dunbia is the UK’s largest lamb processor. Processing over two million sheep per year. We recognise the need to continually improve, manage and source our products with consideration of the environmental, social, ethical and economic aspects that best meet the needs of our customers. This guiding principle ensures we make properly informed procurement decisions that support a sustainable supply chain.

British farmers are the custodians of the agriculture sector and forming collaborative partnerships which are sustainable and fit for the future, is vital for our continued success.

Our mission is ‘providing consistent quality meat products from sustainable sources to support our rural communities, human health and natures eco-system’ and we have pursued this mission with energy and enthusiasm throughout all departments and in our everyday actions.

Why are we sponsoring the British Farming Awards?

Dunbia is proud to sponsor the Sheep Innovator of the Year Award. British farmers are the centre of sustainable agriculture, supporting them is vital, as they will be key to our future. It is important to celebrate UK agriculture and showcase the hard work and dedication demonstrated by the farmers of today.

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